Example data

We provide in this section all the required files to test Aozan. These raw data files have been produced during a mouse RNASeq experiment. The run was perform on an Illumina NextSeq 500 sequencer in paired-end 75 bases mode.

Create a demo configuration

To simply the launch of an Aozan demo, we now provide a shell script, that allow to create all directories required by Aozan and a valid configuration file. This script can also download all the files required by the demo (raw data and reference data). This script use bcl2fastq, if you want to use BCL Convert, just replace set bclconvert for the demux.tool.name key in the Aozan configuration file.

You can perform a full Aozan demo computation using the following command lines:

  • Download the script.
    $ wget http://outils.genomique.biologie.ens.fr/aozan/data/configure-aozan-demo.sh
  • Set the execute attribute on script
     $ chmod +x configure-aozan-demo.sh
  • Launch the script and the download of the required files
     $ ./configure-aozan-demo.sh
  • Launch Aozan
     $ ./aozan-demo/aozan-3.1.1/aozan.sh ./aozan-demo/conf/aozan.conf